3. what have you learned from your audience feedback?
It is crucial to get feedback during your this project, because the audience are the ones who are watching music videos, they know what the want to see and what they like and don't like by getting audience feedback it helps you to understand what they want to see and it will help you to produce a video that will be successful which is important in the music industry for you video to be successful because you want it to be playing on as many music channels as possible such MTV and the top 10 hits of the week by getting it played often your promoting a lot because the song will get stuck in some ones head and they might come across the album and think that they really like that song that played earlier and decide to buy the album.
By not having audience feedback your at risk to the possibility of the music video not being successful and not making a profit and not getting anywhere in the music industry.
we got a lot of positive feedback, at first we was worried that or target audience wouldn't understand the video but surprisingly our target audience understood the concept and they said that our video was unique and they enjoyed watching it. 
we did get some negative feedback, some of our target audience thought that our introduction was a bit to long, we wasn't shocked at this because we knew when editing that the beginning was a bit long and we did cut down as much as we could, if we could change it we probably would cut it down even more and get more to the point in the video, but we do understand the negative feedback and we appreciate it, by having feedback it helps us to improve.

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?
throughout our media project we have used a wide range of technologies. from the very beginning of our project we lots of search engines to research UK local bands so we used google and we went on social networking sites such as facebook and myspace to find out information about the band we wanted to do in out case we researched the hit ups on google and we found a link to their facebook which had contact details on so that we can email them and the manger. when analysing Cd albums and analysing music videos we used wikipedia to find out the history behind the album covers of different artists and when analysing the videos we used youtube to get the link to put it on ours blogs. We also found out as we were researching that the hit ups had there own blog we got a lot of information's from that we got to learn more about the band on a personal level and found out who there influences were and who they compare themselves with. 
By using hotmail we manged to communicate with the manger and the bands and let them know what was going on and what the plan was, by using hotmail we manged to meet up with the band and held a video interview then we put the video up onto youtube and then put it on our blogs. 
while filming we mostly used three cameras so that we could get a wide range of shots, in part one filming we used a tripod to get a high angle of the the croft. when editing we used imovie which was easy to use and it allowed use to do a variety of things on there. when we downloaded the footage onto the mac we found that some of the footage was to dark so we went to the effects in imovie and we lighten up some of the performance bits, it worked really well. form the beginning of our project we have token many photos of what we have been doing such as editing and meeting the band, we put all the photos on our blogs.  
to make our Cd covers and print Ad we used photo shop it helped use achieve all the inserts such as writing in disco hazard instead of water hazard and the insert on our print Ad with the image of the hit ups in corner of the page.

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